In this project, test scripts were written to automate some testing scenarios related to real time actions on different type of applications using Robot Framework.
- Python 3 interpreter
- Pycharm community edition for IDE
Automation Framework
In this project, Robot Framework was used as a Automation Framework to write the test scripts.
Robot Framework is a generic open source automation framework for acceptance testing, acceptance test driven development (ATDD), and robotic process automation (RPA). It has simple plain text syntax and it can be extended easily with libraries implemented using Python or Java. The core framework is implemented using Python and also runs on Jython (JVM) and IronPython (.NET).
The syntax for describing these test cases is based on a Keyword Driven Testing approach and a table format.
KEYWORD-DRIVEN TESTING is a scripting technique that uses data files to contain the keywords related to the application being tested. These keywords describe the set of actions that is required to perform a specific step.
If Python and pip installed, run the below command in command prompt
pip install --upgrade robotframework
Install the package robotframework in project interpreter settings of current project on Pycharm.
Applications Used
In this project, the test scripts were written on the below type of applications
Libraries Used
In this project, below libraries are used:-
1. SeleniumLibrary
SeleniumLibrary is a web testing library for Robot Framework that utilizes the Selenium tool internally.
For SeleniumLibrary installation, run the below command in command prompt
pip install --upgrade robotframework
Install the package robotframework-seleniumlibrary in project interpreter settings of current project on Pycharm.
Install all the required browsers and operating system specific browser drivers used in the project. The general approach to install a browser driver is downloading a right driver, such as chromedriver for Chrome, and placing it into a directory that is in PATH.
Add IntelliBot@seleniumlibrary plugin on Pycharm
How to use in project
Library SeleniumLibrary
2. RequestsLibrary
RequestsLibrary is used to help in making the HTTP requests to a API.
For RequestsLibrary installation, run the below command in command prompt
pip install robotframework-requests
Install the package robotframework-requests in project interpreter settings of current project on Pycharm.
How to use in project
Library RequestsLibrary
3. Collections
Collections is Robot Framework's standard library that provides a set of keywords for handling Python lists and dictionaries. This library has keywords, for example, for modifying and getting values from lists and dictionaries (e.g. Append To List, Get From Dictionary) and for verifying their contents (e.g. Lists Should Be Equal, Dictionary Should Contain Value)
How to use in project
Library Collections
Page Object Model
In this project, used to create the test scripts based on Page Object Model(POM).
Here all the locators related to the web page and user-defined keywords are created in Resource File. This file is imported to the test file and required keywords are used for the actions to get happened.
Data Driven Testing
In this project, approached a concept of Data Driven Testing while writing the test scripts.
DATA DRIVEN TESTING is a test automation framework that stores test data in a table or spreadsheet format. This allows automation engineers to have a single test script that can execute tests for all the test data in the table.
DataDriver is used/imported as Library but does not provide keywords which can be used in a test. DataDriver uses the Listener Interface Version 3 to manipulate the test cases and creates new test cases based on a Data-File that contains the data for Data-Driven Testing. These data file may be .csv , .xls or .xlsx files.
For Data installation, run the below command in command prompt
pip install --upgrade robotframework-datadriver
Install the package robotframework-datadriver in project interpreter settings of current project on Pycharm.
For excel file support of xls or xlsx file you need to install the extra XLS or the dependencies. It contains the dependencies of pandas, numpy and xlrd.
pip install --upgrade robotframework-datadriver[XLS]
How to use in project
Library DataDriver file=<<path of the data input file>> sheet_name=<<sheet name>>
Packages Used
Below are other packages used in the project:-
1. robotframework-jsonlibrary
This package is a Robot Framework test library for manipulating JSON object.
For robotframework-jsonlibrary installation, run the below command in command prompt
pip install -U robotframework-jsonlibrary
Install the package robotframework-jsonlibrary in project interpreter settings of current project on Pycharm.
2. robotframework-pabot
This package is a Robot Framework parallel test runner used for running the test scripts parallely at one time.
For robotframework-pabot installation, run the below command in command prompt
pip install -U robotframework-pabot
Install the package robotframework-pabot in project interpreter settings of current project on Pycharm.
How to use in project
Following is the command can be used to run 3 processes parallely by giving its directory name alone where these test scripts are stored and also can store the resultant report files (log.html, output.xml and report.html) in a desired directory
pabot --processes 3 --outputdir <<path of desired directory where the reports needs to be stored>> <<path of directory where the test scripts exists>>
Actions Used
Below were some actions used in the project
1. Waits
Following are different type of waits used in Robot Framework:
- Sleep
Whereever we want to wait for sometime, add sleep before the statement. Bydefault the wait time is 0 seconds.
sleep 3
- Selenium Speed
This is used to add delay time for every statement in the test script. Bydefault the delay time is 0 seconds.
set selenium speed 3 seconds
get selenium speed
- Selenium Timeout
This is used to add maximum time to wait until the given element is appeared on the webpage. Bydefault the maximum timeout is 5 seconds.
set selenium timeout 10 seconds
wait until page contains <<text>>
This timeout is applicable only for that particular statement.
- Implicit Wait
This is used to add maximum time to wait until the element got located with the given locator and this time is applicable to all web elements written in the test script.
Bydefault the wait time is 0 seconds.
set selenium implicit wait 10 seconds
2. Mouse Over
Simulates hovering the mouse over the element locator.
mouse over link:<<locator>>
click link link:<<locator>>
3. Scrolling
Simulates scrolling on the webpage until particular element is found. Also helps in scrolling to the end of page and to the top of the page.
Following are examples to show how to use Execute Javacscript keyword for performing the scrolling in different scenarios
Scroll on webpage until certain element is located where its pixel number is used as a locator.
execute javascript window.scrollTo(0,1500)
Scroll until end of the webpage
execute javascript window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight)
Scroll until top of the webpage
execute javascript window.scrollTo(0,-document.body.scrollHeight)
Scroll on webpage until certain element is located by using its locator.
scroll element into view xpath:<<locator>>
Robot Framework Metrics Report
Creates awesome HTML (dashboard view) report by parsing robotframework output.xml file
- How it works
Read output.xml file using robotframework API
Get Suite, Test Case , Keyword , Status and Elapsed time values
Convert data to html report using Beautifulsoup
Install the package robotframework-metrics in project interpreter settings of current project on Pycharm.
How to use in project
Following are the robotmetrics commands used to generate reports in different cases
Case 1: No change in output.xml, log.html file name's and user is in same folder
Case 2: RobotFramework Metrics Report metric-timestamp.html file will be created in current folder |
if specifiedNote: From v3.1.6 users can specify custom_report_name instead of metrics-timestamp.html
robotmetrics -M regression_metrics.html
Case 3: Customize specific custom logo in robotmetrics report by using --logo command line option
robotmetrics --logo ../Apple-Logo.png -M regression_metrics.html
Help Option
For more info on command line options use:
robotmetrics --help
Embed a file
There is feasibility to embed links in robot framework log by different ways
1. Adding links via log
Instead of just putting a simple text we can also put a HTML Hyperlink.
log <a href="file://path of the data input file">Input Data File<a> html=True
2. Adding links via free test suite metadata
We can use metadata in your test suites. Those metadata can contains external links and will add those links in output.xml and report.html files.
*** Settings ***
Metadata Input Data File <<file://path of the data input file>>