Pythond module for ganglia. Reads stats from unbound-control stats
The ganglia user needs to execute the unbound-control stats command, so it's probably necessary to add this to your sudoers file:
ganglia ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/unbound-control stats
number of queries received
number of queries that were successfully answered using a cache lookup
number of queries that needed recursive processing
number of cache prefetches performed. This number is included in cachehits, as the original query had the unprefetched answer from cache, and resulted in recursive processing, taking a slot in the requestlist. Not part of the recursivereplies (or the histogram thereof) or cachemiss, as a cache response was sent.
The number of replies sent to queries that needed recursive pro- cessing. Could be smaller than threadX.num.cachemiss if due to timeouts no replies were sent for some queries.
The average number of requests in the internal recursive pro- cessing request list on insert of a new incoming recursive pro- cessing query.
Maximum size attained by the internal recursive processing request list.
Number of requests in the request list that were overwritten by newer entries. This happens if there is a flood of queries that recursive processing and the server has a hard time.
Queries that were dropped because the request list was full. This happens if a flood of queries need recursive processing, and the server can not keep up.
Current size of the request list, includes internally generated queries (such as priming queries and glue lookups).
Current size of the request list, only the requests from client queries.
Average time it took to answer queries that needed recursive processing. Note that queries that were answered from the cache are not in this average.
The median of the time it took to answer queries that needed recursive processing. The median means that 50% of the user queries were answered in less than this time. Because of big outliers (usually queries to non responsive servers), the aver- age can be bigger than the median. This median has been calcu- lated by interpolation from a histogram.