First, you will need to create a GitHub Account
If you're interested in helping translate this bot into a language other than English, either download this repository or the file from /languages/en-US
Firstly, please do NOT use a translator like Google Translate, native speakers will notice. (They're not perfect)
I know it may be hard to know what to translate, so here's an example.
How you'd find the translations for the help
command in the file, in English:
// Help Command
COMMAND_HELP_HEADER: (prefix) => `= Command List =\n\n[Use ${prefix}help <commandname> for details]\n`,
COMMAND_HELP_OUTPUT: (command, prefix) => `= ${} = \n${} \nAliases:: ${command.conf.aliases.join(", ")}\nUsage:: ${prefix}${}`,
description: "Displays info about available commands.",
actions: [
action: "",
actionDesc: '',
usage: ';help [command]',
args: {
"command": "The command you want to look up info on."
And here's how it looks after it's been translated to German:
// Help Command
COMMAND_HELP_HEADER: (prefix) => `= Kommandoliste =\n\n[Benutze ${prefix}Help <Kommandoname> fuer Details]\n`,
COMMAND_HELP_OUTPUT: (command, prefix) => `= ${} = \n${} \nAliases:: ${command.conf.aliases.join(", ")}\n Befehl:: ${prefix}${}`,
description: "Zeigt die verfuegbaren Kommandos an.",
actions: [
action: "",
actionDesc: '',
usage: ';help [Kommando]',
args: {
"Kommando": "Das Kommando, zu dem Du die Hilfe aufrufen willst."
- Anything fully capitalized like
is the key/name I use to get the translated text to use elsewhere, and needs to stay as-is. - The
(prefix) =>
needs to be left alone, as that's how I pass vairables through to the strings. - In the strings, anything inside
is a variable and needs to be left alone as well. From the example above, in COMMAND_HELP_HEADER, theprefix
is being passed into the header so it knows wht to put there, so since the default prefix is;
, Use ${prefix}help would show as Use ;help - Other than that, anything inside the various quotes, be it
` `
, or""
, should be safe to change. - In the
, anything before the:
needs to stay the same, so the description, actions, etc.
- If you are wanting to make a new command, there is a template at
for you to start off of. - If you're wanting to make changes to something, go for it, then upload them as described below. If you need help understanding something, feel free to stop by the support server and I'll do what I can to help
You can make a Pull Request, check here for more information on that as needed.
If you don't want to mess with that, or don't understand how to, feel free to stop by the support server for help or upload your translation in hastebin or Gist GitHub and send it to me on the support server.
If you find something that's breaking or needs to be fixed (Bad translation, command output not working correctly, or something else), come by the Support Server and let me know
While I'd recommend just using the one that I host, you can run a copy yourself, though it will not have all the features (Namely the Patreon unlockable ones
command line (Windows|Linux|MacOS) installedNode
Version 18.x or higherMongoDB
I use version 6.0.6 currentlyA machine
to host it on. Want it to be online 24/7? Get a VPS.- My copy of the bot is hosted on a machine from Hyperexpert. (Affiliate link)
Some knowledge of Node/ JavaScript
if you want to modify it.
Firstly, you'll need to set up the bot account, so you can get the token and such.
In a command prompt in your projects folder (wherever that may be) run the following:
git clone
Once finished:
- In the folder from where you ran the git command, run
cd SWGoHBot
and then runnpm install
- Rename
- Edit
and enter your bot's token and other details as indicated.
In order to get game data, you'll need to set up and use Comlink and SWGoH-Stats. These can be run as docker instances, with the setup described in each repo
If you want character images, you'll want to check out my image server to run alongside it, as well as swgoh-ae2
To start the bot, in the command prompt, run the following command:
node swgohbotShard.js
If at any point it says "cannot find module X" just run
npm install X
and try again.
If you are using PM2 to keep the bot running, run it like this:
pm2 start swgohBotShard.js
Head on over to the site's repo HERE