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fakepixels fakepixels
student of the unusual
Friso FreesoSaiFared
Life philosophy and writings as software project. Wave one. The AI State. A implementation of the state through AI. Legal Status of a Religion.

StateOfAI Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Null nullmastermind
I sell APIs for OpenAI and Claude models at 50% off:

NullByte Studio Vietnam

mtch99 mtch99

Kimoby Montreal

Junhao Wang FatPigeorz
undergradutate student in Tongji University

Tongji University Shanghai, China

Raj Kumar rajkstats
Statistician, Data Science , ML

Koo India Bengaluru, India

Marco Mengele Wellux
Shaping the future one block at a time


David darvid7
☕️☕️--> ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ --> ___code___


Ran Luo Jocs
Author of @marktext and @mind-box. Main developer at @dream-num. Love markdown and text editor, Open source enthusiasts.

@marktext @mind-box @dream-num Shanghai

wuhongsheng wuhongsheng


Sinan CAN sinancan34

iLab Istanbul, Turkey

Keith Moc KeithMoc

Adelaide Australia

Meowu Meowu
What I can't create, I don't understand.
Nikhil Shinday nikhilshinday
"In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

@BuildBetter San Francisco, CA

Archer qddegtya
Author/Lead Maintainer of @hlang-tech. Do some crazy work at @a-side-project. Make web application development better at @a-web-studio. Previously at @alibaba.

Indie Hacker Shanghai

Hardik Arora HardikCoder45
there will not be anything wrong of saying me junior software engineer and know :- Ai concepts, html, css , js , python, react js and many more.

Ai nexuz delhi

Siddharth Verma sydverma123
Student of LLMs

Bangalore, India

GV reachgvm
Amazon. Yahoo. Apple. My own thing. Chennai

Mustapha Mushi mustaphamushi
Webflow Pro & Full-Stack Developer

Ansot Guangzhou, China

Jimmy Smits jimmysmits

@Deloitte Amsterdam

William V. williamvotn
Data Scientist & AI enjoyer 🚀

Open to work Paris

Ugis Vilcans vilcansu
audio, #bitcoin


Hxphsts hxphsts
Artificer of automaton prophecies & mechanical hymns ⎯ ‭𐲕‬

@kernelx-ai Mount Etna