Install all components as explained in the setup guide
the following tools can be found under 'out' folder:
- kds_calculator - a tool to calculate kds (key derivation secret) for a certain svn, from a given bds (base derivation secret)
- kds_signer - tool to generate a kds signature with the administrator key (located under ~/.stl_keys/admin_private[public]_key.hexstr)
- client_keys_creator - generates new EC key pair and places it in the current folder
If you do not want to use multi node, you can use the fake ledger keys located in the genesis_files folder:
- ias-test-as.spid - includes the Service Provider ID you got from Intel Attestation Services (for example 887710ADAD9321C614316EC06F277331)
- ias-test-as.crt - the private certificate to use when communicating with IAS
- ias-test-as.key - the private key for the private certificate
- kds.hexstr - the Key Derivation Secret to use for creating the private ledger keys (for example 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890ABCD)
- kds_signature.hexstr - the KDS signature, created with the ledger's administrator key. Note: the public part of this key must match the string in src/Common/config.cpp!
run from out folder:
$ ./keys_creation
, this creates the following files:- ~/.stl_keys/ - sealed secret keys (kds and IAS data), can only be opened by the enclave on this machine
- ~/.stl_keys/ - remote attestation keys (used for multi node deployment)
- ~/.stl_keys/ledger_public_data_key.hexstr - should be copied to any client who wants to transmit encrypted transactions or read requests to the ledger
- Note: if the SVN increases, this commands should be executed again, and new keys are created
Clear the ledger, generate Hyperledger Sawtooth keys and genesis batch, start the validator, the rest API, the setting-tp, the consensus engine and private-tp with the restart sawtooth script:
$ sudo chmod u+x
$ sudo ./restart_sawtooth [-vvv]
(-vvv is optional for verbose log)
Transaction generator is available as an example for submitting private transactions.
$ cd transaction_generator
$ sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools
$ sudo apt-get install python3-jsonschema
$ sudo python3 install
For development usage, generate client member key pair:
`$ ./out/client_keys_creator`
An example client key is available under Debug/client1_keys For production usage, use your preferred method for key generation and handling (HSM, Vault, others...)
The transaction generator is using a config json file. An example of a config json file can be found under /Debug/txn_gen_example.json
Create and load private batch:
`$ private-txn-generator create_batch -f path/to/config/file.json`
`$ private-txn-generator load`
To verify that transactions were submitted, check the Hyperledger Sawtooth state and logs.
Go to Debug/client_reader folder and run
`$ python3 <address> -K <client public key>`
In order to deploy multiple nodes, the sealed ledger keys need to be shared between the different nodes. The Server sync component is using Intel® SGX attestation to pass the keys in a secured channel between the nodes. Note: The keys are unique for each system based on its hardware keys. You cannot copy the keys manually and therefore have to run the following procedure:
Register with Intel Attestation Services:
- Read more about this procedure here: en-us/articles/certificate-requirements-for-intel-attestation-services
- For debug mode we can use the self-signed certificate and don't need CA, to create self-signed certificate: articles/how-to-create-self-signed-certificates-for-use-with-intel-sgx- remote-attestation-using (last verify stage may fail, this can be ignored)
- Join Intel Dev Zone:
- Register to IAS: (select un-linkable quote)
Generate the following files and place them under the genesis files folder (/out/genesis_files).
- ias-test-as.crt - the private certificate you use to communicate with the IAS (generated in the previous step)
- ias-test-as.spid - includes the Service Provider ID you got from Intel Attestation Services (for example 887710ADAD9321C614316EC06F277331)
- ias-test-as.key - the private key for the private certificate, created in the step above
- kds.hexstr - the Key Derivation Secret used for creating the private ledger keys (for example 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890ABCD)
Copy the ~/.stl_keys/ to any machine that participates in the blockchain network
On the machine that generated the keys (the server machine), run:
$ ./keys_server
On the machine that doesn't have the keys and need to get them run:
$ ./keys_client <server machine IP>
For debugging Intel® SGX enclave there is a dedicated debugger. An example of debugger configuration can be found in the debug folder (launch.json). Edit the sgx gdb location according to where you installed the SGX SDK.