- this is a working application which allows users to login and to register
Separate the register/login from the home page, each into its own page. So when you're done, should have a login page and a register page, with links to them in your header. Remember to add your routes for each page component
The app has pretty much no styling. Use your creativity and knowledge of CSS to fix this!
The rest of these features require work on all parts of the stack (front, api-layer and data-layer).
- a user should be able to view all the businesses
- each business should have a name
- a user should be able to see the other users
- a review should have both a user_id and a business_id as well as:
- a comment
- a rating which is an integer from 1 to 5
- a user should be able to see the reviews made by a selected user with a link to /users/:id which they can be accessed from the users listing
- a user should be able to see the reviews of a selected business with a link to /businesses/:id which can be accessed from the businesses listing
a loggedin user should be able to create a review for a business
a loggedin user should be able to remove a view which they created
the wireframes provide a visual representation of the functionality which is described
- a user should be able to edit their reviews
- a business should have an image_url which can be shown on it's detail page
- a user should have an a boolean property which allows them to opt into and out of notifications
- a user can favorite businesses and see the businesses which they favorited
- a user can be an administrator
- an administrator can add, edit, and delete businesses
- create database
createdb fsa_app_db
- install dependencies
npm install && cd client && npm install
- start server in root directory of repository
npm run start:dev
- start vite server in client directory
npm run dev
- use a username and password in server/index.js in order to test out application.
cd client && npm run build
browse to localhost:3000 (or whatever server port you used)
- build script for deploy
npm install && cd client && npm install && npm run build
- start script for deploy
node server/index.js
- environment variables for deployed site
JWT for jwt secret
DATABASE_URL for postgres database