20 Year IT veteran with many domain specialities. GitHub addict.
💬 Ask me about: DevOps, Cloud, Data, Coding, APIs...
✉️ Contact me on LinkedIn:
🔍 Secondary Expertise in:
- 🧑🤝🧑 Sociology
- 💰 Economics
- 📉 Demographics
- Private message me on LinkedIn
for the answer to The Root Cause of Western Decline 📉
- as well as excellent resources on everything from jobs & money, to relationships & divorce, to emigration & taxes
This does not include any private repos such as my corporate work eg. where most of my Pull Requests and many of my commits went.
This only includes my public open source repos:
GitHub's limit of 6 pinned repos is far too low - these are what I consider my core open source public repos:
The rest of my original source repos are here.
Pre-built Docker images are available on my DockerHub.
I've worked on far too many technologies to list, but here is a shortlist of some of the more still popular ones you might recognize:
What have I done... I should have founded a company... 😂
I get asked this a lot.
How the hell did this crazy guy write all these thousands of programs and scripts...
Writing the above I suddenly got curious enough to quickly rustle up a new Golang program to generate this graph of my public repo commit times to see when I'm most active.
Generated by HariSekhon/GitHub-Graph-Commit-Times:
The TL;DR takeaway from the above graph is don't bother me in the mornings, I take a while to warm up 😉.
I also dip a bit around midday and 9pm as I need to eat once in a while... and sleep a few hours in the very early AM.
I just found out why my DevOps-Bash-tools repo stars went vertical in the graph above. GitHub themselves showed it at the top of their Trending repos page:
![]() |
![]() |
Generated by: HariSekhon/GitHub-Repos-MermaidJS-Gantt-Chart
%%{ init: {
"topAxis": true,
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'todayLineColor': 'red'
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
title Repositories Gantt Chart
Nagios-Plugins : active, 2012-12-30, 2020-12-31
lib : active, 2012-12-30, 2015-12-31
DevOps-Perl-tools : active, 2012-12-30, 2020-12-31
Spotify-tools : active, 2012-12-30, 2020-12-31
SQL-keywords : active, 2013-08-13, 2020-12-31
spark-apps : done, 2015-05-25, 2020-04-02
lib-java : active, 2015-05-31, 2016-12-31
DevOps-Python-tools : active, 2015-10-27, 2020-12-31
pylib : active, 2015-10-27, 2020-12-31
Dockerfiles : active, 2016-01-17, 2022-12-31
DevOps-Bash-tools : active, 2016-01-17, 2024-12-31
Nagios-Plugin-Kafka : active, 2016-06-07, 2017-12-31
HAProxy-configs : active, 2018-06-08, 2022-12-31
DevOps-Golang-tools : active, 2020-04-30, 2024-09-22
Spotify-Playlists : active, 2020-06-29, 2024-09-22
SQL-scripts : active, 2020-08-05, 2024-12-31
Kubernetes-configs : active, 2020-09-16, 2024-12-31
Templates : active, 2019-11-25, 2024-09-25
TeamCity-CI : active, 2020-12-03, 2022-12-31
Terraform : active, 2021-01-18, 2024-09-21
Jenkins : active, 2022-01-17, 2024-09-23
GitHub-Actions : active, 2022-01-17, 2024-12-31
CI-CD : active, 2022-03-25, 2023-12-31
GitHub-Actions-Contexts : active, 2022-08-17, 2022-12-31
Diagrams-as-Code : active, 2023-04-14, 2024-12-31
Template-Repo : active, 2023-04-15, 2024-12-31
Packer : active, 2023-06-02, 2024-09-21
Vagrant-templates : active, 2023-06-12, 2024-09-21
Knowledge-Base : active, 2023-11-22, 2024-12-31
HariSekhon : active, 2024-08-14, 2024-12-31
GitHub-Commit-Times-Graph : active, 2024-09-07, 2024-09-08
GitHub-Repos-MermaidJS-Gantt-Chart : active, 2024-10-02, 2024-10-03
Prometheus : active, 2024-10-08, 2024-12-31
Ansible : active, 2024-10-08, 2024-12-31
This should give you some idea of my long evolution having reached the level of lead engineer and architect by the mid-to-late 2000s.
%%{ init: {
"topAxis": true,
"logLevel": "debug",
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'taskTextLightColor': 'black',
'taskTextOutsideColor': 'white',
'todayLineColor': 'red'
title Hari Sekhon's Technology Skills & Experience
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
20+ years of Skillz to Pay the Billz : 2002-06-01, 2024-12-31
section Operating Systems
Linux : crit, 2002-12-01, 2024-12-31
Windows Active Directory : done, 2003-01-01, 2009-11-10
%%Redhat Linux : active, 2002-12-01, 2024-12-31
%%Debian Linux : active, 2003-01-01, 2024-12-31
%%Gentoo Linux : done, 2004-06-01, 2009-11-10
%%Ubuntu Linux : active, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31
%%Alpine Linux : done, 2016-01-01, 2024-12-31
Mac : active, 2010-02-01, 2024-12-31
section Coding
Coding : crit, 2002-12-01, 2024-12-31
Bash : active, 2002-12-01, 2024-12-31
Python : active, 2005-11-01, 2024-12-31
APIs : active, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31
%%VBScript : done, 2005-05-01, 2009-11-01
Perl : active, 2009-11-13, 2024-12-31
Git : active, 2012-06-01, 2024-12-31
%%Ruby : done, 2009-11-13, 2013-01-31
Java : active, 2013-01-13, 2024-12-31
%%Jython : done, 2013-01-13, 2015-12-31
%%JRuby : done, 2013-03-01, 2013-08-31
%%Scala : done, 2014-01-01, 2015-12-31
Golang : active, 2015-06-01, 2024-12-31
Groovy : active, 2016-01-01, 2024-12-31
%%section Build Systems
%%Make : active, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31
%%Maven : active, 2013-02-01, 2024-12-31
%%SBT : active, 2014-01-01, 2024-12-31
%%Gradle : active, 2014-06-01, 2024-12-31
%%section Version Control Systems
%%Subversion : done, 2005-11-13, 2012-06-01
%%Mercurial : done, 2011-06-01, 2013-06-01
%%Git : active, 2012-06-01, 2024-12-31
%%GitHub : active, 2012-12-31, 2024-12-31
section Networking
Networking : crit, 2004-03-01, 2024-12-31
%%VPNs : active, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31
%%Cisco - IOS / NX-OS : done, 2004-03-01, 2024-12-31
%%Juniper - Netscreen / SSG / SRX / ScreenOS / JunOS : done, 2007-01-01, 2013-01-18
%%Netgear : done, 2005-01-01, 2012-12-31
section Load Balancers
section Security
Security : crit, 2004-10-01, 2024-12-31
%%Kerberos : active, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31
%%LDAP : active, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31
section DevOps
DevOps : crit, 2005-11-11, 2024-12-31
section Data
Data : active, 2005-11-11, 2024-12-31
%%Data Validation : done, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31
%%Data Science : done, 2013-01-18, 2024-12-31
section Architecture
Architecture : crit, 2005-11-11, 2024-12-31
Web-Scale Architecture : active, 2009-11-01, 2024-12-31
MicroServices : active, 2018-10-01, 2024-12-31
Diagrams-as-Code : active, 2023-04-14, 2024-12-31
section Databases (RDBMS)
Databases (RDBMS) : crit, 2004-01-01, 2024-12-31
SQL : active, 2004-01-01, 2024-12-31
Microsoft SQL Server : done, 2004-01-01, 2005-10-31
Oracle : done, 2005-11-01, 2009-09-10
MySQL : active, 2007-01-01, 2024-12-31
PostgreSQL : active, 2008-01-01, 2024-12-31
section Web & CDNs
Web : crit, 2005-01-01, 2024-12-31
APIs : active, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31
Load Balancers : active, 2009-07-01, 2024-12-31
%%LVS : done, 2009-01-01, 2009-11-11
%%Foundry - ServerIron XL / 4G : done, 2009-10-13, 2011-11-31
%%F5 BigIP : done, 2010-06-01, 2013-01-18
%%HAProxy : active, 2018-04-01, 2024-12-31
%%Kong : active, 2023-03-01, 2024-12-31
%%Traefik : active, 2023-03-01, 2024-12-31
Web-Scale Architecture : active, 2009-11-01, 2024-12-31
CDNs : active, 2009-12-01, 2024-12-31
%%UlraDNS : done, 2009-11-01, 2012-06-31
%%Cotendo : done, 2012-06-01, 2013-01-13
%%Cloudflare : active, 2020-08-20, 2024-12-31
MicroServices : active, 2018-10-01, 2024-12-31
section Virtualization & Containerization
Virtualization : crit, 2005-01-01, 2024-12-31
%%VMware ESX, ESXi, VirtualBox : done, 2005-01-01, 2017-02-16
%%Vagrant : active, 2013-01-01, 2023-12-31
Containerization : crit, 2014-06-01, 2024-12-31
Docker : active, 2014-06-01, 2024-12-31
Kubernetes : active, 2018-09-01, 2024-12-31
MicroServices : active, 2018-10-01, 2024-12-31
ArgoCD : active, 2021-01-01, 2024-12-31
section IaaC & Configuration Management
Configuration Management :crit, 2006-01-01, 2024-12-31
Puppet Config Mgmt : done, 2008-09-01, 2014-02-18
Ansible : active, 2014-06-01, 2024-12-31
IaaC :crit, 2008-01-01, 2024-12-31
Terraform :active, 2019-09-01, 2024-12-31
%%Terraform Cloud : active, 2021-09-01, 2022-09-31
%%Kickstart : active, 2008-01-01, 2024-12-31
%%Preseed : active, 2009-01-01, 2024-12-31
%%AutoInstall : active, 2023-01-01, 2024-12-31
section CI/CD
CI/CD : crit, 2010-06-01, 2024-12-31
Jenkins : active, 2010-06-01, 2024-12-31
Travis CI : done, 2014-05-01, 2023-05-08
CircleCI : done, 2019-09-01, 2021-12-31
BuildKite : done, 2019-09-01, 2021-12-31
GitHub Actions : active, 2019-09-01, 2024-12-31
%%GitLab : active, 2019-09-01, 2022-12-31
%%Azure DevOps : done, 2019-09-01, 2022-12-31
%%Bitbucket : done, 2019-09-01, 2022-12-31
%%Concourse : active, 2019-11-01, 2020-03-20
%%TeamCity : active, 2020-08-20, 2021-02-31
CloudBuild : active, 2020-08-20, 2023-09-30
section Monitoring
Monitoring : crit, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31
Nagios : active, 2006-06-01, 2019-07-31
OpenTSDB : done, 2016-09-01, 2019-07-31
Grafana : active, 2018-01-01, 2024-12-31
Prometheus : active, 2018-06-01, 2024-12-31
%%Pingdom : done, 2020-08-20, 2023-09-17
%%Datadog : done, 2022-08-20, 2023-09-17
section Big Data
Big Data : crit, 2009-11-13, 2019-07-31
Hadoop : done, 2009-11-13, 2019-07-31
%%HDFS : done, 2009-11-13, 2019-07-31
%%MapReduce : done, 2012-06-01, 2019-07-31
Cloudera / Hortonworks : done, 2012-08-01, 2020-03-20
Hive : done, 2013-01-18, 2019-07-31
HBase : active, 2013-02-01, 2019-07-31
Impala : done, 2013-04-01, 2015-06-30
Spark : active, 2014-01-01, 2019-07-31
Kafka : active, 2014-01-01, 2019-07-31
Apache Drill : active, 2014-06-01, 2018-12-31
section NoSQL
NoSQL : crit, 2009-11-13, 2024-12-31
HBase : active, 2013-02-01, 2019-07-31
%%MongoDB : done, 2013-06-01, 2013-12-31
Cassandra : active, 2013-08-01, 2024-12-31
Couchbase : done, 2013-11-01, 2024-03-01
section Caching
Caching : crit, 2009-11-31, 2024-12-31
Memcached : done, 2009-11-31, 2024-12-31
Redis : active, 2013-03-01, 2024-12-31
section Cloud
Cloud : crit, 2012-09-01, 2024-12-31
AWS : active, 2012-09-01, 2024-12-31
GCP : active, 2018-09-01, 2024-12-31
Azure : active, 2020-08-01, 2024-12-31
section Search
Search : crit, 2013-03-31, 2024-12-31
Elasticsearch : active, 2013-03-31, 2024-12-31
%%LogStash : done, 2013-03-31, 2024-12-31
%%Fluentd : crit, 2018-03-31, 2024-12-31
%%Kibana : crit, 2013-03-31, 2024-12-31
SolrCloud : done, 2013-04-01, 2024-03-01
There are also Language and Tech Stack breakdowns on my GitRoll page: