Automatically resize quickfix and location list windows.
This Vim plugin resizes location/quickfix windows based on the number of lines therein, i.e. with a single list entry, why waste 9 extra lines (with the default window height being 10)?!
Minimum height (in lines) for quickfix windows. If not specified, it will use some (experimental) internal defaults, falling back to 1. Can be a buffer setting (for the qf buffer).
Maximum height (in lines) for quickfix windows. Default: 10. Can be a buffer setting (for the qf buffer).
Ratio used to get the dynamic max height.
It gets multiplied with the sum of the height of the non-qf window and the
height of the qf window. The default is 0.15
Can be a buffer setting (for the qf buffer).
Resize/handle all qf windows when a window gets closed. Default: 1.
Resize all quickfix/location list windows on the current tab page.
This is useful in a custom mapping (extending the default Ctrl-w =):
nnoremap <silent> <c-w>= :wincmd =<cr>:QfResizeWindows<cr>
- vim-qf provides a similar feature
), without handling:lopen
etc in general, but only when opening windows itself, and is less advanced in general (no ratio etc).