This repo is used as part of my Git practice lab, add your name to the END of the file. You were doing well in life, and you'll be doing 10x better when your name is merged into this file.
Michael Fernanda Ross AJ Magda Keith Yu-Chieh Barbara David Immy Maria Lynne Corinn Elham Faizan Kevin James Jose Krzysztof Rory Rachel Mark Cameron Claudio Jaime Balram Lewis William Tevhide Oluniyi Cameron Paul Reena Safoora Jamie R Safoora Oluniyi Fiona Anton Weronika Ivan Nikola Leon Camila Ciaran Lukasz Alfie Bartosz Jiehong Alberto Bilal Karol Daniel James Colm Raul Rodi Bartosz Aron Nicky Deividas Ruth Lynsey Anja Jane C Michael Yulia James Kerry Laura C Chloe Mairi B Justyna Farheena Richard Michaele Nirali Jenni Keir Callum Mags Gordon Rachael Heidi Anna Vicki Meg Vahid Peter Ryan Iryna Alessandra Tiago Mykola Cecilia Jessica Gregory Matteo Gregory Alex Bikiza Callum Pablo L Johnathan Mikolaj Colin Magdalena Przemyslaw Andrea Patryk Damian Michael Alexis