Releases: project-codeflare/codeflare-operator
Releases · project-codeflare/codeflare-operator
CodeFlare Stack Compatibility Matrix
Component | Version |
CodeFlare Operator | v1.5.0 |
CodeFlare-SDK | v0.17.0 |
AppWrapper | v0.20.2 |
KubeRay | v1.1.0 |
Kueue | v0.7.0 |
What's Changed
- fix appwrapper rbac annotation for rayclusters; add annotation for ray jobs by @dgrove-oss in #578
- Add example dev workflow to by @KPostOffice in #579
- Add auto-merge workflow on release and adjust release process by @ChristianZaccaria in #566
- Update to AppWrapper v0.20.1 and Kueue v0.7.0 by @dgrove-oss in #580
- Update to AppWrapper v0.20.2 by @dgrove-oss in #581
- Update TLS certificate generation container image by @astefanutti in #582
- Update dependency versions for release v1.5.0 by @codeflare-machine-account in #583
Full Changelog: v1.4.4...v1.5.0
CodeFlare Stack Compatibility Matrix
Component | Version |
CodeFlare Operator | v1.4.4 |
CodeFlare-SDK | v0.16.4 |
AppWrapper | v0.13.1 |
KubeRay | v1.1.0 |
Kueue | v0.6.2 |
What's Changed
- Test auto-merge commit by @ChristianZaccaria in #565
- Upgrade to AppWrapper v0.13.0 by @dgrove-oss in #564
- Updated e2e cert generator image by @Bobbins228 in #567
- update to appwrapper v0.13.1 by @dgrove-oss in #573
- Update dependency versions for release v1.4.4 by @codeflare-machine-account in #576
Full Changelog: v1.4.3...v1.4.4
CodeFlare Stack Compatibility Matrix
Component | Version |
CodeFlare Operator | v1.4.3 |
CodeFlare-SDK | v0.16.3 |
AppWrapper | v0.12.0 |
KubeRay | v1.1.0 |
Kueue | v0.6.2 |
What's Changed
- Check if workerGroupSpec is not empty before accessing it by @ChristianZaccaria in #549
- Added all-in-one command to Makefile by @Bobbins228 in #550
- Add new quickstart doc by @Ygnas in #552
- Cleanup: Delete Pytorch MNIST sample image sources by @sutaakar in #560
- Delete Pytorch MNIST sample image GitHub workflow by @sutaakar in #561
- CertGeneratorImage to reference by @ChristianZaccaria in #562
- Update dependency versions for release v1.4.3 by @codeflare-machine-account in #563
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.4.2...v1.4.3
CodeFlare Stack Compatibility Matrix
Component | Version |
CodeFlare Operator | v1.4.2 |
CodeFlare-SDK | v0.16.2 |
AppWrapper | v0.12.0 |
KubeRay | v1.1.0 |
Kueue | v0.6.2 |
What's Changed
- Added kueue setup make target by @Bobbins228 in #555
- Upgrade to go 1.21 by @dgrove-oss in #541
- Add AppWrapper v1beta2 CRD and controllers to Codeflare operator by @dgrove-oss in #543
- add Kueue and AppWrapper to modules target in Makefile by @dgrove-oss in #556
- Enable mTLS for e2e tests and HTTPS for KinD cluster by @sutaakar in #557
- upgrade AppWrapper from v0.11.1 to v0.12.0 by @dgrove-oss in #558
- Update dependency versions for release v1.4.2 by @codeflare-machine-account in #559
Full Changelog: v1.4.1...v1.4.2
CodeFlare Stack Compatibility Matrix
Component | Version |
CodeFlare Operator | v1.4.1 |
CodeFlare-SDK | v0.16.1 |
KubeRay | v1.1.0 |
What's Changed
- Fix OLM PR check by creating ConfigMap disabling oauth by @sutaakar in #542
- Altered network policy to allow all trafic for head & worker pods by @Bobbins228 in #544
- Fix Unknown build info in CodeFlare operator log by @oksanabaza in #528
- Watch for RayCluster CRD then start RayCluster controller by @astefanutti in #546
- use namespace from ray cluster by @KPostOffice in #548
- Allow for custom CertGeneratorImage by @Fiona-Waters in #547
- Comment out install/uninstall make targets by @ChristianZaccaria in #553
- Update dependency versions for release v1.4.1 by @codeflare-machine-account in #554
New Contributors
- @oksanabaza made their first contribution in #528
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1
CodeFlare Stack Compatibility Matrix
Component | Version |
CodeFlare Operator | v1.4.0 |
CodeFlare-SDK | v0.16.0 |
KubeRay | v1.1.0 |
What's Changed
- E2E tests: Deploy Kuberay before starting CodeFlare operator by @sutaakar in #518
- Use Dnsmasq to provide DNS for KinD by @sutaakar in #520
- fix(manifests): missing namespace in CM stack-config by @zdtsw in #521
- Remove owner reference for ClusterRoleBinding to RayCluster by @astefanutti in #527
- Add RayCluster mutating webhook by @astefanutti in #530
- Adjust env tests for RayCluster controller by @sutaakar in #505
- Create RayCluster ValidatingWebhook by @ChristianZaccaria in #524
- Fix oauth-proxy cookie Secret by @astefanutti in #531
- Use deep semantic comparison in RayCluster validation webhook by @astefanutti in #532
- Get go version for setup-go action from go.mod file by @dgrove-oss in #534
- Remove dangling MCAD and InstaScale references by @dgrove-oss in #535
- Use cert-controller to generate webhook certificates by @astefanutti in #533
- Update OWNERS by @astefanutti in #536
- CVE fixes of High priority by @ChristianZaccaria in #525
- add additional function which creates network policy by @KPostOffice in #498
- RayCluster mTLS support by @astefanutti in #537
- Allow all ingress traffic to secured RayCluster ports by @KPostOffice in #539
- Update dependency versions for release v1.4.0 by @codeflare-machine-account in #540
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4.0
CodeFlare Stack Compatibility Matrix
Component | Version |
CodeFlare Operator | v1.3.1 |
Multi-Cluster App Dispatcher | v1.40.0 |
CodeFlare-SDK | v0.15.1 |
InstaScale | v0.4.0 |
KubeRay | v1.0.0 |
What's Changed
- fix(manifests): remove emptry CRD and reference by @zdtsw in #504
- Fix OLM upgrade test by @sutaakar in #506
- Update kuberay version to latest in make file by @ChughShilpa in #511
- Add missing roles to create ClusterRoleBinding for CodeFlare operator by @sutaakar in #509
- RC Controller - Avoid multiple calls to DiscoveryAPI by @ChristianZaccaria in #510
- Add a ConfigMap for e2e tests by @astefanutti in #515
- Fix and enable local_interactive feature by default by @ChristianZaccaria in #514
- Adjust Kuberay dependency in the Makefile by @sutaakar in #517
- Update dependency versions for release v1.3.1 by @codeflare-machine-account in #519
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1
CodeFlare Stack Compatibility Matrix
Component | Version |
CodeFlare Operator | v1.3.0 |
Multi-Cluster App Dispatcher | v1.40.0 |
CodeFlare-SDK | v0.15.0 |
InstaScale | v0.4.0 |
KubeRay | v1.1.0 |
What's Changed
- fixed incorrect logic in Codeflare-SDK release sync with notebooks by @abhijeet-dhumal in #480
- Display input for KubeRay parameter and check for existence by @ChristianZaccaria in #478
- test: update machinepool tests to identify machines based on label by @VanillaSpoon in #413
- remove Sync ODH-notebooks CI workflow to add this step in Codeflare-S… by @abhijeet-dhumal in #482
- RHOAIENG-3771 - Reduce execution time of E2E tests by @jiripetrlik in #483
- Update with ODH/CFO build instructions by @sutaakar in #484
- e2e tests: Fix finishing condition in ODH e2e test by @sutaakar in #486
- Fix e2e test - invalid go version error by @ChristianZaccaria in #494
- add raycluster controller to CFO by @KPostOffice in #453
- RayCluster controller follow-up by @astefanutti in #496
- Add missing RBAC for oauth-proxy ClusterRoleBinding by @astefanutti in #497
- Disable MCAD by default by @astefanutti in #500
- Refactor creation logic of ingress/routes into RayCluster Controller by @ChristianZaccaria in #493
- Removed InstaScale & MCAD from release workflow by @Bobbins228 in #492
- Clean removal of MCADv1 and Instascale by @dgrove-oss in #501
- Update dependency versions for release v1.3.0 by @codeflare-machine-account in #502
New Contributors
- @dgrove-oss made their first contribution in #501
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0
CodeFlare Stack Compatibility Matrix
Component | Version |
CodeFlare Operator | v1.2.0 |
Multi-Cluster App Dispatcher | v1.40.0 |
CodeFlare-SDK | v0.14.0 |
InstaScale | v0.4.0 |
KubeRay | v1.0.0 |
What's Changed
- update: change CSV alm-examples to '' by @VanillaSpoon in #447
- Revert "update: change CSV alm-examples to ''" by @ChristianZaccaria in #448
- Fixed MCAD release by @Bobbins228 in #449
- update: change CSV alm-examples by @VanillaSpoon in #450
- Download MNIST dataset from specific location by @sutaakar in #443
- Upgrade protobuf dependency to address CVE by @ChristianZaccaria in #451
- add roles for admin and editor to operator by @KPostOffice in #452
- Update prometheus-common dependency to address CVE by @Fiona-Waters in #454
- Add Host to Container port mapping for KinD Cluster by @ChristianZaccaria in #456
- Raise KinD Ingress controller version to v1.9.6 for manual setup by @sutaakar in #458
- Instascale E2E test for nodepools by @Fiona-Waters in #455
- Adjust existing e2e tests to provide custom Pypi index URL by @sutaakar in #459
- Update with release instructions by @sutaakar in #466
- add step to sync ODH notebooks with Codeflare-SDK release by @abhijeet-dhumal in #460
- Prepare Pytorch MNIST test image for disconnected testing by @sutaakar in #469
- Update deprecated GitHub actions by @sutaakar in #470
- e2e tests: Use test image from by @sutaakar in #471
- Fix MCAD release by @ChristianZaccaria in #476
- Update by @sutaakar in #477
- Update dependency versions for release v1.2.0 by @codeflare-machine-account in #479
New Contributors
- @abhijeet-dhumal made their first contribution in #460
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
What's Changed
- Update SDK e2e test to reflect poetry changes by @Srihari1192 in #315
- Add missing KubeRay version parameter for release workflow by @sutaakar in #414
- set klog to the controller runtime logger by @KPostOffice in #415
- Raise SDK e2e test timeout in Python script by @sutaakar in #416
- Adjust release GH workflow to handle error cases by @sutaakar in #418
- Remove accidental prefix for service account for mcad-controller-ray-… by @sutaakar in #419
- Send notification on Slack if e2e fails on push event by @sutaakar in #421
- Add completion status for TestMNISTPyTorchMCAD by @sutaakar in #422
- Use dedicated KinD composite action from CodeFlare common by @sutaakar in #423
- Create OLM upgrade e2e scenario using codeflare SDK by @Srihari1192 in #286
- Adjust upgrade e2e test to pause Job before upgrade by @sutaakar in #427
- Upgrade to go 1.20 and update required dependencies + point to compatible MCAD by @ChristianZaccaria in #428
- Remove MCAD replace line in go.mod by @sutaakar in #433
- e2e tests: Export all KinD logs by @sutaakar in #435
- Add ChristianZaccaria as reviewer by @astefanutti in #437
- Add Fiona-Waters as reviewer by @astefanutti in #438
- Fix MCAD version in Makefile by @sutaakar in #439
- remove auto add issue workflow by @KPostOffice in #441
- Upgrade Kuberay to version v1.0.0 by @astefanutti in #442
- Remove SDK e2e test by @sutaakar in #444
- Added Workflow job to update CFO image by @Bobbins228 in #398
- Update project-codeflare-release.yml by @dimakis in #445
- Update dependency versions for release v1.1.0 by @codeflare-machine-account in #446
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0