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Releases: project-codeflare/codeflare-operator


10 Jul 16:37
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CodeFlare Stack Compatibility Matrix

Component Version
CodeFlare Operator v0.0.6
Multi-Cluster App Dispatcher v1.32.0
CodeFlare-SDK v0.5.0
InstaScale v0.0.5
KubeRay v0.5.0

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.4...v0.0.6


07 Jul 16:00
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CodeFlare Stack Compatibility Matrix

Component Version
CodeFlare Operator v0.0.5
Multi-Cluster App Dispatcher v1.32.0
CodeFlare-SDK v0.5.0
InstaScale v0.0.5
KubeRay v0.5.0

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.4...v0.0.5

CodeFLare Operator 0.0.4 Release

12 Jun 16:03
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This Release of the operator includes the following compatibility matrix.

CodeFlare Stack Compatibility Matrix

Component Version
CodeFlare Operator v0.0.4
Multi-Cluster App Dispatcher v1.31.0
CodeFlare-SDK v0.4.4
InstaScale v0.0.4
KubeRay v0.5.0

v0.0.1 Initial Operator Release

11 Mar 18:39
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The first initial release of the CodeFlare Operator, used for installation and management of MCAD and InstaScale cluster resources.