Contributors: qlstudio
Tags: custom plugin
Requires at least: 4.0.0
Tested up to: 5.0.0
Stable tag: 1.3.5
License: GPL2
Organational brand bar
- Edited text for gh connects
- Standardized link formats
- Added Connects Link
- Template logic
- Tweak to asset inclusion logic
- Ticker content controls added to admin
- Promo commented out, as not used in years
- Banner made undismissable (also subsequently smaller)
- Updater was not recognizing 1.2.2 as newer than 1.2.13 - made a new version
- Added a News Ticker in addition to a Promo Bar, updated cookie name, requires Q update for additional option
- Small Note
- Not using logo in layout
- Updated to Lorem Ipsum example content for Promo Bar
- Moved plugin to Q standard model
- Removed body_class filters - moved to q_device
- Added Q dependency check
- Added Q debugging logic
- Exchange CSS positioning update
- Moved render control to Q Settings
- Initial working version