This test automation framework repofor self-learning purpose only. it is important for me to understand how it works from behind. There are lots of selenium outther such serinitybdd or selenide.
Maven Profile 1 : cucumber-profile
Parallel : False
Mandatory argument -Dtags
mvn test -Pcucumber-profile -Dtags=@SmokeTest
mvn test -Pcucumber-profile -Dtags=@Test
mvn test -Pcucumber-parallel -Dtags=@Test
curl -X POST --fail -F token=glptt-e1485617ddefd9734f9829ef2748b0013f9c8557 -F "ref=REF_NAME" -F "variables[RUN_NIGHTLY_BUILD]=true" http://localhost/api/v4/projects/35/trigger/pipeline
will executed after main cucumber runner which is CucumberTestRunner
. this have been configure through pom.xml
under cucumber-profile
- Auto retry test failed only for single thread execution (cucumber-profile). not available on remote parallel execution.
# Web Url to be tested
# WebDriver
# Execution remote parallel such selenium grid.
# depends on browser.remote. else will be execute parallel on local env.
# Execute remote browser container such docker/kubernetes. true or false
# Remote selenium grid hub
# force wait for elements selector to display within define time range.
# clickByText()
# verifyByText()
is custom code to handling elements path not generated due to animation or something else.
allure properties for cucumber settings. so far not working. will be fix later.
No specific configuration define
- Setup selenium webdriver, remote web driver from sratch
- parallel execution on docker selenium grid with testng
- execute test with different maven profiles
- instantiate web driver with threadlocal
- develop and execute test scriptsing usince JVM cucumber and testng libraries
- execute test combination different tags. cucumber and testng tags.
- Include faker data generate for test scripts. email,address,firstname,lastname etc.
- run test via CI tools such github action,gitlab and jenkins.
- Re-execute test using testng retry analyzer.
- Develop test script using BDD feature file.
- Test API using RestAssured.
- Integrate with allure report.
- add custom listener for every test step. a
- import test data using excel,csv and data provider testng